Eye Makeup Safety

While mascara and eye shadow make your eyes stand out, they could harm your vision if you are not using them correctly. Eye injuries and infections from using makeup improperly happen all too often. Over time, bacteria and fungi can grow in your eye cosmetics that you don’t want to transfer to your eyes.  Here are a few makeup tips to keep your eyes healthy:

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If you do scratch your eye or are concerned about any irritation, visit your eye doctor at Gailey Eye Clinic to make sure that complications such as eye infections don’t occur.


U.S. Food and Drug Administration  “Eye Cosmetic Makeup Safety” 18 December 2006.

Patient Forms
PHONE 800.325.7706

Bloomington/Normal: (309) 829-5311
Bloomington/Retina: (309) 829-5311
Danville: (217) 446-3937
Decatur: (217) 875-0300
Forsyth: (217) 872-7404
Galesburg: (309) 343-6000

Gibson City: (800) 325-7706
Ottawa: (815) 434-4200
Peoria: (309) 692-8460
Peru / Lasalle: (815) 224-1100
Springfield: (217) 529-3937