woman-blephUpper and Lower Lid Blepharoplasty
Removal of excess skin and herniated fat pads to improve vision and aesthetics of the eyelids.
Non-surgical cosmetic treatment for deep-set frown lines, crow’s feet, furrowed brows, and other signs of aging.
lid malpositionsMedical Eyelid Procedures
Treatment of eyelids that roll in or out leading to eye irritation and tearing.


Patient Forms
PHONE 800.325.7706

Bloomington/Normal: (309) 829-5311
Bloomington/Retina: (309) 829-5311
Danville: (217) 446-3937
Decatur: (217) 875-0300
Forsyth: (217) 872-7404
Galesburg: (309) 343-6000

Gibson City: (800) 325-7706
Ottawa: (815) 434-4200
Peoria: (309) 692-8460
Peru / Lasalle: (815) 224-1100
Springfield: (217) 529-3937