Upper and Lower Lid Blepharoplasty Removal of excess skin and herniated fat pads to improve vision and aesthetics of the eyelids. |
Botox Non-surgical cosmetic treatment for deep-set frown lines, crow’s feet, furrowed brows, and other signs of aging. |
Medical Eyelid Procedures Treatment of eyelids that roll in or out leading to eye irritation and tearing. |
Bloomington/Normal: (309) 829-5311
Bloomington/Retina: (309) 829-5311
Danville: (217) 446-3937
Decatur: (217) 875-0300
Forsyth: (217) 872-7404
Galesburg: (309) 343-6000
Gibson City: (800) 325-7706
Ottawa: (815) 434-4200
Peoria: (309) 692-8460
Peru / Lasalle: (815) 224-1100
Springfield: (217) 529-3937